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Frequently asked questions

Machen Sie sich mit dem B2B Portal vertraut

What can I do in the head area?

What are workspaces?

How does the search work?

Can I export data?

Suchen Sie nach Artikeln in Ihrem Katalog

How do I find the right item?

Can I restrict the search to items that meet certain criteria?

How can I influence the sorting?

How are the conditions determined?

Sammeln Sie Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb

How is the shopping cart structured?

How can I add an item to my shopping cart?

How do I quickly add many items to the shopping cart?

How can I select several variants?

Schließen Sie Ihren Warenkorb ab

Can I specify a different delivery address?

Can I specify a delivery date?

Can I provide reference numbers?

Can I enter further information about my order or price inquiry?

Verfolgen Sie den Status Ihrer Anfragen

Why is my order or quote "in progress"?

Why was my order or quote "canceled"?

Can I edit my order or quote at a later date?

Why can't I find my order or quote in the open enquiries?

Recherchieren Sie in Ihren Daten

Which data can I view?

Why is an order "open"?

Has my order been packed yet?

Has my order already been invoiced?

Bestellen Sie Artikel erneut

How can I place an old order again?

Can I order individual items again?

What information is transferred to the shopping cart?

Kommunizieren Sie mit Ihren Ansprechpartnern

How can I send a message to my contact person?

How can I recognize a new message?

Can I refer directly to orders?

Can I relate my communication directly to items?

Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Kundendaten

What is my master data?

How can I change my data?

How can I add new data?

Legen Sie Ihre eigenen Vorlagen an

How can I create a template?

How can I add a template to the shopping cart?

Can I mix several templates?

How up-to-date is the item data in a template?

Gestalten Sie individuelle Artikellisten

What is a view and what is a representation?

How can I edit or create a view?

What distinguishes the tile representations?

How can I rename or delete a view?

Richten Sie sich eigene Kategorien/Favoriten ein

What is a favourite?

How can I create my own favourites?

Where can I find my favourites?

How can I edit my favourites?