In addition to the item search, you also have the option of carrying out one or more other searches in your partner’s item catalog by opening a new, so-called workspace.
Try out this unique option right away and search for different items in two different work areas.
If you have created favourites in the catalog or if your partner already offers you favourites, you can call them up conveniently and at any time in the header area. Do you have any questions? Then take a look here: “Set up your own catalogs/favourites“.
If your partner allows direct communication, you can send or read a message from the header area at any time. You are sure to find the answers to your questions under“Communicate with your contacts“.
At the top right you will find access to your “My account” area as well as further information on the B2B portal.
What are workspaces?
You always have the option of working with several workspaces at the same time. Think of workspaces as individual tabs in your browser. In the b2b portal, these are only positioned on the left-hand side in the so-called “workspace bar”.
With the different workspaces, you are able to carry out different item searches in your catalog at the same time.
A workspace is opened when you
search for items while your dashboard is displayed,
open a new workspace from the header area,
call up a favourite from the header area or the dashboard.
You can switch between your workspaces at any time.
If you want to close a workspace, the following options are available to you:
Right-click in the workspace bar on the workspace that you want to close. Select the corresponding entry to close.
In the workspace bar, move the mouse over the workspace that you want to close. Now click on the X symbol at the top right to close the workspace.
Click on the overview of workspaces at the bottom of the workspace bar. Now click on the X in the top right-hand corner of the workspace that you want to close.
How does the search work?
In the b2b portal, you can of course primarily search for suitable items in your partner’s catalog. Details can be found in the “Search for items in your catalog” section.
However, you can also search in other areas at any time, in particular in your dashboard or “My account” area. Simply use the filters. You can filter in each column by moving the mouse over the heading and then clicking on the filter symbol. After you have entered your search term, the data records are filtered.
Please note that the search terms in the filters must match the content exactly. There is no margin for error here.
For columns that contain a date, an amount or fixed terms, you can also enter time or number ranges in the filters or select from the available options.
You can remove a set filter by clicking on the X in the tag.
If you would like to edit an existing filter, simply click directly on the filter tag above the data records. You can then change the value of the filter directly. Alternatively, you can click on the filter icon on the right above the list and edit all filters.
Can I export data?
Your partner determines whether you can export data. If you require this option, please get in touch with your contact person.
The option to export data is always available in all tables. In this case, you will see a three-dot menu to the right of the table header. The “Export as CSV” option is available in the menu itself.
If you click on the option, a CSV file is automatically created and saved in your local download folder. The contents of the CSV file always correspond to those that you can see in the table, i.e. the data can also be filtered and sorted.
In your “My account” area, you can only limit the content displayed using the filters and sorting.
In the article view, however, you can use your own views and favourites to specify which data should be included in an export. So feel free to take advantage of these opportunities.
Your controlling department needs a list of all items ordered in 2022 for statistical purposes.
To do this, go to your “My account” area and to the “Items ordered ” tab. Then filter all order numbers that begin with “2022”. Then select the option to export a CSV file.
Suchen Sie nach Artikeln in Ihrem Katalog
How do I find the right item?
You can search for an item at any time – regardless of which area of the B2B portal you are currently in. You can enter your search terms in the search area, which you will find at the top and can be recognized by the text “Item search …”.
As soon as you have entered the search terms and confirmed them with the enter key, you will see the hits. If you still see too many hits, you can simply narrow down your search by entering additional search terms.
Can I restrict the search to items that meet certain criteria?
You can determine which items you see in your search results at any time. You can filter by almost any type of information.
Either enter a search term, for example if you are only looking for items from one manufacturer. Or search only for items that are currently available.
How can I influence the sorting?
You can sort the displayed items according to your preferences. To do this, simply click on the button at the top right above the displayed articles, on which an icon with an arrow is displayed next to a field name or the term “Relevance”. Then select which field you would like to sort by. You can also search for the desired field in the search field.
If you have selected the field, you can also determine how it is sorted. An icon appears to the left of the field name according to which it is currently sorted. You can recognize the current sorting by the selection:
An arrow pointing upwards indicates that the sorting is ascending. Items with lower values in the selected field are displayed above items with higher values.
A down arrow indicates that the sorting is in descending order. The items with the higher values are displayed above those with the lower values.
By clicking on the button, you can change the sorting and determine whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
You can also use sorting to sort by fields that are not in the selected view. This allows you to quickly sort by fields that you cannot see in the selected view.
If you are in the table view, you can also see from the column heading whether you are sorting by one of the columns. The column is underlined in blue when sorting is active.
If you move the mouse over the corresponding column heading, you can also see how the current sorting is set. If the icon is highlighted in blue, sorting is based on this field. However, if it is not marked in blue, you can activate sorting by this field by clicking on the icon.
There is a special feature when sorting in the column header: In contrast to clicking in the selection in the upper area, you can not only change the sorting. A third click removes the sorting by field and returns to the standard sorting by relevance.
Sorting by relevance is dynamic. The items are displayed with decreasing relevance based on your search query.
You can of course also sort hierarchically according to various filters. To do this, please click on the sort button and enter “user” in the search field, for example. The “User-defined sorting” entry now also appears in the selection, which you can click on.
In the dialog that now appears, select the first field you want to sort by and select the type of sorting. Then click on “+Add” and select the next sort field.
Click on “Apply” to activate the sorting and you will see the “User-defined sorting” entry in the sort selection.
To adjust the sorting, go back to the entry in the sort selection and edit the sort settings according to your requirements.
How are the conditions determined?
If you search for items, you will see the price that applies to you when ordering the smallest sales quantity in the “Your price” column. This price includes all conditions agreed with your partner.
Sammeln Sie Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb
How is the shopping cart structured?
You can always see your shopping carts in the right-hand bar of the B2B portal. As soon as you have clicked on a shopping cart, it will be displayed.
In the large area on the left, you can see the items that have already been added to your shopping cart. You can add another item below the articles at any time. Below you will see the price information for the entire shopping cart.
As long as no item is selected or marked, you will see the details of the item in the right-hand section of the shopping cart. The three-dot menu in the top right-hand section is then valid for the shopping cart itself.
However, if an item is selected in a shopping cart, the details of this item are displayed on the right-hand side. In this view, you will find the options for this item in the top three-dot menu.
To switch between the views, you can click on the respective symbol in the upper area.
How can I add an item to my shopping cart?
You can add the desired quantity of an item to the shopping cart by entering the quantity in the “Add to cart” column and then clicking the button with the shopping cart.
You can also enter the quantity in the item information and add the item to the shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart button.
You can also search for items in the shopping cart itself.
How do I quickly add many items to the shopping cart?
To be able to quickly add many items to the shopping cart, we recommend the view in the form of a table. Turn it on and make sure you see the “Add to cart” column.
Search and filter the item list so that you see all the items you want to add to your shopping cart. Now enter the quantity and click on the shopping cart button. Repeat this for all desired items.
If you would like to order variants of an item, we recommend that you enter the quantities in the variant wizard.
How can I select several variants?
If you would like to add several variants of an item, please select the “Basic item” variant. You will now see a table with all available variants. Enter the desired quantities there. Whenever you click on a new field, you can see at the top which variant it is, how much it costs and whether it is available.
You can use the tab key to jump from field to field and thus quickly enter the quantities for the individual variants.
You can also select a variant directly and add it to your shopping cart. If a variant is not the “basic item”, it is transferred directly to the shopping cart.
Schließen Sie Ihren Warenkorb ab
Can I specify a different delivery address?
If no item is selected in the shopping cart, you will see all the details of the shopping cart in the right-hand area. If an item is marked, you will see the details of the selected item here. You can go to the details of the shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart symbol at the top right of the shopping cart.
You can see which address is stored in the “Client” section. If you would like to deliver the order to a different address, activate the “Different delivery address” field.
Further address fields are then displayed. You can now either enter the address or select a delivery address that you have already used or specified in the “Delivery address” field.
You can of course also select a delivery address and then change it.
It is possible that a different delivery address is already stored when a new shopping cart is created. This is the preferred delivery address that your partner has. You can of course deactivate or overwrite this address.
Can I specify a delivery date?
You can also specify a delivery date in the shopping cart details, which you can access via the corresponding symbol at the top right of the shopping cart. If you do not specify a delivery date, the value “as soon as possible” will be used.
To specify the delivery date, please click in the “Delivery date” field and enter your desired date. You can also enter just the day, e.g. 20, in which case the 20th of the current month will be entered. For example, if you want to enter February 20, you can simply enter “20,2” or “20.2”.
Of course, you can also select the day in the calendar by clicking on the calendar symbol. You can also see the days of the week in the calendar.
As soon as you have entered a delivery date, this will be applied to all items in your shopping cart. If you would like to enter a different delivery date for selected items, you can do so in the item details. Simply click on the item and enter the desired date in the details.
Can I provide reference numbers?
You have the option of entering your internal reference numbers so that you can better assign your price inquiry or order to your internal process. The fields “Our sign” and “Our proof” are available for this purpose in the shopping cart details, which you can access via the corresponding symbol at the top right of the shopping cart.
Your reference number is transferred to all documents that are generated from the price inquiry or order. You can also search for this reference number in your dashboard.
Enter your reference number in the “Name” field. You can then clearly assign the requests in the overview of your open requests in the dashboard.
Can I enter further information about my order or price inquiry?
You can enter details of a different delivery address, a delivery date or internal reference numbers in the details of a shopping cart. If you would also like to send important information, you can use the “Message” field. Here you can enter information or questions that are important. The processor sees this information while processing the price inquiry or order.
Your partner may provide you with further fields in the details of the shopping cart to enter additional information. This information may also be mandatory. You will be informed before the conclusion of the contract if you have not made this entry.
Verfolgen Sie den Status Ihrer Anfragen
Why is my order or quote "in progress"?
If you have created an order or quote, you can check the “Open enquiries” tab in your dashboard. If you can see it there, your contact person still has to process the request. You can see the status in the form of the processing progress.
The status of the order or quote is “in progress” as long as it is currently being processed by your contact person and has not yet been transferred to an order or quote.
You can view the order or quote at any time by clicking on the symbol to the far right of the quote or order.
Why was my order or quote "canceled"?
As long as your order or quote is still in your dashboard in the “Open enquiries” tab, your contact persons have the option of canceling your order or quote. In this case, it will be displayed as “canceled”. Get in touch with your contact person if you have any questions.
Can I edit my order or quote at a later date?
Once you have submitted an order or quote, you can no longer process it. Get in touch with your contact person if you would like to make any changes.
During the call, you can also process the order or quote together with your contact person. While he is processing these, you can call them up by clicking on the icon in the “Open enquiries” tab. You will then see the current status of the order or quote and can update it at any time.
You can also use the message function. Then you can also exchange ideas “live”.
Why can't I find my order or quote in the open enquiries?
As soon as your contact person has processed and accepted your order or quote, it is no longer an open enquiry. The same can also happen if your shopping cart is transferred directly into an offer or an order.
You will then find an order in the “Open orders” tab as long as it has not yet been completed – i.e. delivered and invoiced.
You will find a quote or offer in the “Open offers” tab as long as it has not yet been incorporated into an order or accepted by you.
You can easily filter the orders or offers using the reference number you entered when creating the order or quote.
Recherchieren Sie in Ihren Daten
Which data can I view?
Your dashboard is your “control center” where you can research various data stored in your partner’s ERP system. You can view current data that is still being processed as well as data that is already in the past.
Current data in the ERP system are offers and orders that have not yet been fully processed. Open items are an exception, as they provide you with an up-to-date insight into your partner’s accounting.
“Historical” data are orders and all related information, such as the delivery bills and invoices included, as well as the items ordered.
Familiarize yourself with the filter and search options within the lists in the dashboard (see Familiarize yourself with the b2b portal). This simplifies your research and helps you find the information you need more quickly.
Why is an order "open"?
You can view your orders in your dashboard. The “Open orders” and “Orders” tabs are available to you.
An order is open as long as it still has to be packed or invoiced in whole or in part. So that you do not have to search for these orders in the multitude of your orders, you will find these orders separately in the “Open orders” tab.
If the order is fully packed and invoiced or has been marked as such in the ERP system, it is “completed”. You will only see these in the “Orders” tab. You will find all your orders in the “Orders” tab – regardless of their processing status.
Has my order been packed yet?
You can see the packaging status of your orders at any time. An order or an ordered item is marked as “packed” if a delivery document has been created and the ordered item is included in it. This status is symbolized by a package. If you move the mouse over the symbol, you will see the status. You can also recognize the status by the color of the symbol.
“not packed” (gray) = the ordered items still need to be packed
“partially packed” (orange) = some of the items ordered have already been packed, other parts still need to be packed
“fully packed” (green) = all ordered items have already been packed
“completed, not (completely) packed” (blue) = a part of the ordered items is no longer packed or delivered
Has my order already been invoiced?
Are you already waiting for your invoice? You can see whether an order or an ordered item has already been transferred to an invoice. The symbol with the leaf and the tick is available for this purpose. If you move the mouse over the symbol, you will see the status. You can also recognize the status by the color of the symbol.
“not invoiced” (gray) = the ordered items still need to be transferred to an invoice
“partially invoiced” (orange) = some of the items ordered have already been invoiced, other parts still need to be invoiced
“invoiced in full” (green) = all ordered items have already been transferred to an invoice
“completed, not (fully) invoiced” (blue) = part of the ordered items will no longer be invoiced
Bestellen Sie Artikel erneut
How can I place an old order again?
On the right-hand side of your dashboard, you will find all the offers and orders you have placed in the past.
If you would now like to place an old order again, please select the “Add to cart” entry in the three-dot menu.
If you have not yet created a shopping cart, you can now create a new one. The items from the selected order are now transferred to the new shopping cart.
Can I order individual items again?
Of course, you can also reorder items that you have already ordered in the past. To do this, simply go to the “Items ordered” tab and search for the desired item, e.g. using the filters.
Now select the option “Add to cart” in the three-dot menu next to the desired item. Then select whether you want to create a new shopping cart with the item or add the item to an existing shopping cart.
What information is transferred to the shopping cart?
If you add offers, orders or only individual items that have already been ordered in the past to a shopping cart, these are checked to see whether they are still available for sale. If this is not the case, the item will not be added to the shopping cart.
If an item from an old order is transferred to the shopping cart, the quantity ordered at that time is transferred with the corresponding sales unit of measure. In addition to the item descriptions, the prices and discounts are also updated based on the currently valid conditions.
Kommunizieren Sie mit Ihren Ansprechpartnern
How can I send a message to my contact person?
To send a message, please click on the message icon at the top left of your profile information. You can now see which contacts you can send messages to. Select the desired contact person or channel and write a new message below the message overview.
Please note that you can either send messages directly to your contact person or in a channel. A channel consists of a group of contact persons. As soon as you write a message in a channel, all contact persons are informed of the receipt of the message and can reply to you.
You can recognize the read status of your message by the ticks. Messages marked with a tick have not yet been read, while messages marked with two ticks have already been read by a contact person.
How can I recognize a new message?
As soon as you have received a new message, you will see a small counter on the message icon. Click on the icon to open the message area. You will find the latest news in the top section. If there are unread messages, the chat is highlighted. You can read and react to unread messages as you are used to from similar applications.
Can I refer directly to orders?
In most cases, your communication with your contacts is event-driven. You will most likely be referring to specific articles or orders or offers. So that your contacts don’t have to do any research first, you can provide support by referring to the event in your message.
For example, if you would like to refer to a specific order, please search for it directly in your dashboard in the “Open orders” or “Orders” tab. Please click on the three-dot menu next to the order or right-click on the order and select the “Copy link” option. Now you can send this link directly to your contacts next to the new message by clicking on the left-hand symbol below the input line.
If you still have questions about one of your requests, please call it up by clicking on the link in the dashboard and then select the “Copy link” entry in the shopping cart menu. Now you can send a message again and refer to the request or the shopping cart.
Can I relate my communication directly to items?
Of course, you can also support your contacts by sending the appropriate links by message if you have questions about specific items.
You can send the link to an individual item by either right-clicking, selecting the “Copy link” entry in the item’s three-point menu or in the quick view.
Alternatively, you can also send a list of items or your search results by selecting the “Copy link” entry in the menu at the top right of the workspace.
Your contacts also have the option of sending you links to items. If a message contains a link to items, you can call these up directly. You will now see a list of items or a single item. Basically, you “simply” accept the search result of your contact person and can proceed as usual and add the desired items to a shopping cart.
Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Kundendaten
What is my master data?
You can see what information is stored in your customer account in your partner’s ERP system. You can view all master data on your dashboard in the tabs of the same name. This information includes:
Master data
The master data is your main address and the communication data at which your partner can reach you. You will also find tax information that your partner uses in the context of orders.
Bank details
You can see which of your bank details your partner has.
Delivery addresses
Here you will find all the addresses that your partner has stored in their master data. You can access these when creating a shopping cart.
When selecting a different delivery address in a shopping cart, your delivery addresses from the master data are displayed. However, it is also possible that even more delivery addresses are displayed. This happens if you have specified different delivery addresses in previous orders. Then you can also access these addresses.
Contact person
If your partner works with several of your colleagues, you will see them as contact persons and can view their contact details.
You can only view documents if your partner has granted you access. You can then see which documents he has saved in his ERP system and can display or download them.
How can I change my data?
If you want to change existing master data, you can simply move the mouse over the desired information. You will see a small pencil in the top corner of the information if you can customize it. As soon as you click on the pen, a dialog appears and the current information is displayed. You can now change these.
As soon as you have sent the change, your contact person will receive a request to check the changes and transfer them to the ERP system. As soon as it has done this, you will see the changed information.
Changes are not visible immediately, but only after they have been confirmed.
How can I add new data?
If you want to add new master data, you can move the mouse next to existing information in the desired tab on your dashboard. A new “card” with a plus symbol appears. As soon as you click on this card, a dialog appears in which you can enter the new information.
Once you have sent the new information, your contact person will receive a request to check it and transfer it to the ERP system. You will see the new information as soon as it has accepted your changes.
New master data is not immediately visible, but only after it has been confirmed.
Legen Sie Ihre eigenen Vorlagen an
How can I create a template?
If you want to order the same items again and again, place them in a new shopping cart. Please do not forget to enter the quantities you would like to order on a recurring basis. As soon as you have placed all items in the shopping cart, select the shopping cart tab at the top, click on the three-dot menu and select the entry “Save as new template”.
Name your template so that you know from its name which items are included or for what purpose you are using this template. This is because you can later select your templates by name and add their items to the shopping cart.
How can I add a template to the shopping cart?
If you have created templates and would like to use them for your order, you can easily access these templates.
If you only want to add one template to your shopping cart, you can do this directly from your dashboard. Simply click on the symbol to the right of the template in the “Saved shopping cart templates” area. A new shopping cart is created and the items in it are transferred to the shopping cart in the saved quantities.
Alternatively, you can access your templates in an existing shopping cart. To do this, select the “Add saved template” entry in the shopping cart menu and select the template.
Can I mix several templates?
You are welcome to add several templates to one shopping cart. To do this, select “Add saved template” from the menu in an existing shopping cart and select the first template. Repeat this step for each additional template you want to add.
Now you can edit the shopping cart as usual and prepare it for the current order or price inquiry.
How up-to-date is the item data in a template?
If you add a template to a shopping cart, the items it contains are checked.
Only items that you can still order will be added to your shopping cart. Items that can no longer be ordered will not be transferred.
Items from a template are always transferred in the quantity in which they are contained in the template. The prices and discounts are of course determined on an up-to-date basis. This means that the conditions are always up to date.
Gestalten Sie individuelle Artikellisten
What is a view and what is a representation?
In the B2B portal, you can define both the representation and the displayed content yourself.
Do you like to view item information in table form? Are you used to seeing items next to each other in the form of tiles in webshops? You can then change the representation. There you can choose between two different tile representations and a one in the form of a table.
You can also use the views to determine which content is displayed in the table or the extended tile.
As long as you have not made any changes, a view specified by your partner will be available to you. The content presented with this view is therefore predefined.
The following information is stored in a view:
Designation of the columns
Width of the columns
Order of the columns
To ensure that you always see the same information when searching for an article, you can create one or more of your own views (see next question).
How can I edit or create a view?
You can create your own view quickly and easily. Once you have selected the desired view, select the “Edit view” option.
On the right-hand side, you will now see all the columns that are already included in the view, as well as the columns that you can still add. You can also search directly for columns. The following options are available to you:
1. remove a column
Move the mouse over the column you want to remove. An icon with a recycle bin appears on the right-hand side. Click on it to remove the column.
2. add a column
You can add a column in two ways. Either scroll to the desired column in the area of the columns that have not yet been added. Alternatively, you can enter the name of the column you want to add at the top of the search until you see it. Click on the column or on the plus symbol in front of it and it will be inserted at the end of the columns already displayed in the view.
3. change order
If you want to change the order, move the mouse to the left-hand side of the column you want to move. Now you can “hold” the column with the left mouse button and move it to the desired position.
Every change to the columns is immediately displayed in the view. The column is displayed directly in the specified position in the table. It is also displayed immediately in the extended tile.
If you only want to display information for a short time, add the required column. It is displayed directly and you can then display the column without saving until you close the workspace.
Once you have customized the view according to your wishes, you can apply the changes.
If you want to apply the changes in the current view, click on the “Apply” button.
If you would like to apply the changes in a new view, please click on the arrow next to the “Apply” button and select “Save as new view”. You must then enter the name of the new view.
If you have made changes to the standard view supplied, you can only transfer these changes to a new, separate view. You must make this decision at the latest when closing the workspace.
To do this, you can select the corresponding view “Use as default view” by selecting the entry of the same name in the menu next to the “View” selection.
What distinguishes the tile representations?
If you select the tile as the representation, the same predefined content is always presented in it. So it doesn’t matter which view you have chosen.
However, if you would like to see the content you are interested in in the tiles, please select the representation as an extended tile. The “normal” tiles are then supplemented by those in the currently selected view.
In the table, you will always see the contents that are defined in the currently selected view.
How can I rename or delete a view?
If you have made a mistake in the name of a view or would like to change the name of the view, please select the view and click on the “Rename view” entry in the menu next to the selection. You can now enter the desired new name.
If you no longer wish to use a view, please select the view and then click on “Delete” in the menu next to it. Please note that you cannot restore this view.
Richten Sie sich eigene Kategorien/Favoriten ein
What is a favourite?
You can use a favourite to repeat a search again and again under the same conditions. If you call up a favourite and search in it, the search is always carried out taking into account the restrictions you set in the favourite. In addition, the favourite is always called up with the view that you have also stored for this favourite.
A favourite always saves the following content:
Selected view (including sorting)
Selected filters
Search terms in the item search
How can I create my own favourites?
To create your own favourites, please open a new workspace by clicking on the button to the right of the search.
You can now select your own view if you wish. If you have activated the filters, you will only see items that match your criteria. Finally, you can create a new favourite by selecting “Save as favourite” at the top of the menu. As soon as you have entered the name for the favourite, your favourite is saved.
Where can I find my favourites?
You can call up your favourites in two different places.
Firstly, you can click on the star symbol to the right of the search. There you will see your favourites sorted alphabetically as well as any predefined favourites.
Alternatively, you can call up your favorites with one click in the “Favourites” area on your dashboard.
A favourite always opens in a new workspace. You can switch between these workspaces by clicking on them in the navigation bar on the left.
How can I edit my favourites?
You can rename or delete the favourites you have created. To do this, simply right-click on the desired favourite (top right next to the search or in your dashboard) and select one of the two entries.
You cannot change a favourite that has already been created – only rename it. To change this, you must create a new favourite with the same name.
If you want to adjust an existing favorite, call up the desired favourite first. Now delete it in one of the places mentioned above. Now make the desired changes (view, filter, …) and save the favourite. You can simply use the name that you used for the favourite you have just deleted.